Pipe Rehabilitation and Repair using Patented Steel Cylinder Reinforcement SCR
ABSTRACT; Pipe Rehabilitation and Repair using Patent Pending external steel casing method. This slide show provides a commentary, animation and photographic introduction of a Patent method to repair or upgrade existing pipelines and is intended for systems which cannot be easily taken out of service or replaced.
History: Many pipelines currently in operation have become structurally deficient due to corrosion, erosion or other causes. Other pipeline systems are being encroached upon by the expansion of our cities (highways, schools etc) which dictate the needed for added protection. In addition, some pipeline systems have increased operating demands and would benefit from an increase in the allowable pressure of the existing pipeline for instance in higher pressure sections.
Owners are frequently dependent on these systems and are unable to interrupt service for extended periods of time as would be necessary for internal repairs and it may not be economically feasible to replace the system, such as when the deficiencies are intermittent in nature or when the pipeline right-of-way does not provide the needed space for a parallel system. Therefore in many situations, a system and method for reinforcing or repairing an existing pipeline while retaining the pipeline in service is often the best option.
Description: Our system for repairing structurally deficient pipelines or upgrading existing pipelines includes installing two half pipe sections around the host pipeline to create a flexible cylinder enclosing the pipeline. The cylinder has two longitudinal seams located at the approximate spring line and which are subsequently welded. Spacer blocks are incorporated into the annular space to create a minimum space between the host pipeline surface and the enclosure. A seal ring will be inserted at each end of the enclosure to seal between the host pipeline and new enclosure. The annular space will then be filled with an expansive grout then pressurized to cause rounding of the enclosure and maintained until the grout has set. The seal rings and annular spacers are specifically designed to allow for this rounding despite the host pipeline being out-of-round or having irregularities. Rounding of the enclosure is very important in order to optimize/minimize the required enclosure plate thickness and assure the host pipe stresses are transferred symmetrically to the new enclosure.
The system can be utilized for a single section repair or incorporate the use of an expanded lap joint for a continuous sealed enclosure on a contiguous host pipeline. The work may be phased as the design allows reinforced sections to be terminated then resumed at a later date without the need for modification. A pipe support method is also included with this system to allow sequential support of the host pipeline which can then be transferred to the new enclosure for backfilling concurrent to continued enclosure installation.
The finished system incorporates the use of a coated steel enclosure with a known history of successes.