ASCE MOP 79 Chapter 11 Welding Review
ABSTRACT; ASCE MOP 79 Steel Penstock Manual of Practice review of Chapter 11 Welding. The entire Manual was recently updated and this slide presentation provides an overview of the Chapter 11 updates. The actual document is available for purchase at the official ASCE Web site. ASCE describes this Manual as: “Steel Penstocks stands as a complete … Continued

Bertha Tunnel Boring Machine TBM Recovery and Rebuild-WA
ABSTRACT; “Bertha” is the World’s Largest Tunnel Boring Machine TBM at 57 Foot Diameter which required recovery and rebuilding during 2015. National Welding Corporation performed the fitting and welding required for the original assembly and the rebuilding. The rebuilding involved to installing 200 Tons of reinforcing steel plates while consuming 33,000 pounds of welding wire. … Continued

Chicago TARP-McCook 33 Foot Dia Steel Tunnel Liner-IL
ABSTRACT; Chicago Tunnel and Reservoir Plan system (TARP) including the McCook Main Line 33’ diameter tunnel liner, subassembly and installation process displayed by slide show photographs and commentary. The Chicago Tunnel and Reservoir Plan (TARP) is a combined sewer overflow system devised in the 1970’s to control flooding in the metropolitan Chicago area. The system … Continued

Field Fabricating a Lake Tap 108 inch Outlet to Vertical Shaft 230’ Beneath Lake Travis
ABSTRACT; Field Fabricating 108” Lake Tap Outlet to 108” Vertical Shaft which is 230’ beneath a Lake is the focus of this slide show which includes photographs and detailed descriptions. Lake Travis is located northwest of the City of Austin, Texas. Due to explosive population growth in the area, the Austin Water Plant No. … Continued

Field Welding Large Diameter Steel Pipe Processes-Means _ Methods
ABSTRACT; Field welding large diameter steel water pipe, processes, procedures and design overviews. The slide show provides a photographic overview of the processes plus depicts general means and methods necessary for this work. By knowing the methods used, engineers will be better able to design projects which are more efficient and constructible. The slide … Continued

Pipe Rehabilitation _ Steel Liners NY Siphon-Blue Ridge GA-McCook-Silver Lake CA
Abstract; Pipe Rehabilitation and Steel Tunnel Liner showcase provides a photographic presentation of installing a 72 inch steel siphon tunnel liner under New York Harbor, rehabilitation of a 168 inch diameter riveted steel penstock under a TVA dam in Georgia and installing a 96 inch diameter steel tunnel liner for Los Angles Depart of Water … Continued

Pipe Rehabilitation and Repair using Patented Steel Cylinder Reinforcement SCR
ABSTRACT; Pipe Rehabilitation and Repair using Patent Pending external steel casing method. This slide show provides a commentary, animation and photographic introduction of a Patent method to repair or upgrade existing pipelines and is intended for systems which cannot be easily taken out of service or replaced. History: Many pipelines currently in operation have become … Continued

Pipe Rehabilitation Replacement NASA Rocket Stand 36-112 inch Cooling System
Abstract; Pipe Rehabilitation Replacement of NASA Rocket Stand 36”-112” Cooling System. This slide show provides commentary, photographs and methods utilized for the replacement of a complex piping system used to cool NASA rocket engines as follows: The NASA Stennis Space Center is America’s premier rocket engine test complex, the NASA center where engines for all … Continued

Pipe Rehabilitation Steel Tunnel Liner 147 inch Dia Blue Ridge Dam Penstock
Abstract; Steel Tunnel Liner 147” Diameter used to rehabilitation this penstock at TVA Blue Ridge Dam in Blue Ridge GA. The slide show provides a commentary and photographic review of the penstock liner manufacture and installation process for the following project: The Toccoa Electric Power Company constructed the Blue Ridge dam and reservoir in 1925. … Continued

Pipe Reline Rehabilitation NASA High Pressure Rocket Stand Cooling System
Abstract; Pipe Rehabilitation Replacement video is a simple animation which proposes relining a NASA Rocket Stand Cooling System. This brief video (no narration) provides general concept proposed to reline an existing 66 inch diameter cooling system piping. Multiple short pipe sections will be required in order to pass through several vertical and horizontal alignment … Continued

Steel Tunnel Liner 72 Inch Dia Staten Island to Brooklyn NY
Abstract; Steel Tunnel Liner 72 inch diameter which extends from under New York Harbor from Staten Island to Brooklynn. The slide show provides project history, commentary, photographs and solutions for the installation of a 72 inch diameter steel tunnel liner while correcting tunnel alignment deviations for the following; The main components of this project included … Continued

Steel Tunnel Liner 84 inch Dia Lake Travis Austin TX
ABSTRACT; Steel Tunnel Liner 84-inch Diameter under Lake Travis Austin TX. Lake Travis is located northwest of the City of Austin, Texas. Due to the unanticipated population growth in the area, the Austin Water Plant No. 4 was designed and constructed in the “hill country” to extract water from the lake. The raw water line … Continued

Steel Tunnel Liner McCook 33 Foot Dia Main Line Bifurcation for the Chicago TARP
ABSTRACT; Large Steel Tunnel Liner 33 foot diameter which bifurcates and is the McCook Main Line on the Chicago TARP project. The slide show provides a commentary and photographic review of a 33 foot diameter tunnel liner, subassembly and installation process for the following project: The Chicago Tunnel and Reservoir Plan (TARP) is a combined … Continued

Thermal Contraction-Stress in Steel Tunnel Pipe 96 Inch Dia-CA
ABSTRACT; Thermal Contraction and stress in a 96 inch diameter steel tunnel pipe liner in Burbank CA. The slide show provides commentary, photographs and solutions for the adverse effects of thermal contraction on a 96” diameter steel tunnel pipe installation for the following: The Silver Lake Reservoir Complex is a $242 Million project located in … Continued

Weld-After-Backfill Application on steel pipelines
ABSTRACT; Weld-After-Backfill application is a method to install steel pipelines and is a growing practice. This short slide show provides photographs of the general steps for this process and provides caution against using incorrect materials for this method. This sequence of pipeline construction was first used in the late 1980’s on a pipeline in Texas. … Continued

Weld-After-Backfill Method Study to install steel pipelines
ABSTRACT; Weld-After-Backfill practice method to install steel pipelines is a growing practice. This study documents a series of eight trials of the weld-after backfill (WAB) sequence. This sequence of pipeline construction was first used in the late 1980’s on a pipeline in Texas. Since then, more than 45 major pipeline projects in the United States … Continued